From Grandmother to Granddaughter–A Piece of the Past
Christine O'Brien
I have a passion for depicting formerly or currently owned collectibles in a still life series I call the "Tchotchke Series". When representing these current or previously valued keepsakes, I create compositions to capture unique nuances in staged narratives. Click here to learn more about my “Tchotchke Series”.
One such story became the inspiration for "Grandma's Vase," oil on canvas, 28 x 28 inches. This cast iron Victorian shoe vase sits on a family room shelf at one of my dearest friend's home. To my delight, neatly hidden within the shoe, was a handwritten letter from Grandmother to Granddaughter. Endearing scripted words that memorialize a special occasion in the vase's history. These days, it is so rare to receive handwritten notes, much less, letters. So, I replicated Grandma's unique handwriting and sentimental words as a background vignette. The elegant dance of her message merges with roses and the vase, highlighting both the love of gifting and treasured family relationships. In essence, Grandma's 1950's garden club memoir and vase have now become a forever artistic legacy of generational love.
My Dearest Granddaughter,
You wanted a little piece of my past. Enclosed is a shoe that I bought in 1956. I used it when I entered a flower show for my garden club. The theme was from sea to land. I interpreted it as a landing in a new land. I had 12 white flowers and one red rose for the 13 colonies. It took 3rd place.