My Story

The first time I fell in love with drawing was during family trips. My mother bought me a sketchbook and pencils, and I relished in rendering vacation scenes of quaint lodges and landscapes. I continued to paint and draw, including portraits of my friends, and received a scholarship to a liberal arts college. After completing the classical training program, which included advanced drawing and painting the figure from life, I was awarded an independent study during my senior year in advanced techniques with the head of the art department. At that time, my love of detail in the style of realism became apparent. After graduating, I worked in Chicago as an illustrator and graphic designer. In a twist of fate, my career took a curve, and for many years I enjoyed a successful path in corporate marketing and sales management. Upon moving from the Midwest to living with California’s majestic landscape, I returned full-time to my passion for creating realistic pictorials. I now call Colorado home, where I continue to be inspired by beatific terrain and the pursuit of creative endeavors in my studio. The visual diversity surrounding me celebrates a universal truth, my truth, that the constant in life is change. My work is collected throughout the US and abroad.

Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Studio: Superior, Colorado

BA Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri
American Academy of Art, Chicago, Illinois
UCLA, Westwood, California - Advanced Painting
UCLA Studio Arts, Santa Monica, California - Advanced Oil Painting

Click HERE for CV

Christine O'Brien with Eyes to the Soul Series Assemblage

Eyes to the Soul Series Assemblage

"The subjects I paint are referenced from my experiences, surroundings, and close observation. From picturesque landscapes, contemplative portraits, and staged still-life, I work in layers of oil paint using refined, detail brushwork that transcend the imagery and tells more about the forms portrayed than you might otherwise see. This realistic work emerges as striking compositions, conveying a mood in time.”

Christine O'Brien

Christine O'Brien Working on the Tiger Eye Painting
Christine O'Brien Staging for a Still Life Painting

Staging for a Still Life Painting

Axely and Silver, 5ft x 4ft

Axely and Silver, 5ft x 4ft