Wings of Grace (14x8in)

Wings of Grace (14x8in)
14 x 8 x 1 inches
Hand-stretched, Oil and Acrylic Paste on Canvas
Signed CAO on Front and Back
Satin Varnish, Unframed
This painting's composition of butterflies dancing in flight celebrates the beauty of five types of butterflies. From top to bottom: Monarch, Blue Morpho, Queen, Tiger Swallowtail, and the Julia butterfly. A texture of white paste over the grass and sky creates a stark contrast to the butterfly colors. They pop off the canvas as if applied as appliqués.
Interesting fact: The colors in butterfly wings are made of scales and pigments that absorb wavelengths of light and reflect others, causing the eye to see particular colors. Butterflies such as the Blue Morpho have wings of millions of tiny scales that produce bright, iridescent colors.
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