My Three Daisies (8x8in)

My Three Daisies (8x8in)
8 x 8 x 1 Inches
Encaustic and Acrylic on raised Board
Titled, dated and signed, CAO on back
Encaustic paintings are created using melted beeswax mixed with resin and color pigments. This technique is a sequence of quick applications and manipulations using tools, a pro hot air gun, or a torch to melt and fuse the wax creatively. The beauty of these pieces is in the unique 3-dimensional abstractions and imperfections.
I have an infinity for “threes.” It may be because I am one of three siblings, or three is one of my lucky numbers. I painted these three daisies as if they were flourishing together, each with its unique happy character—all three growing as individuals at different angles.
This work is part of my annual Valentine’s unique collection and will bring a sense of whimsy and flowery love into any space.
Part of the Sweet Encaustics Series
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